产品生命周期管理 (PLM) 是一个信息管理系统,它集成了扩展企业中的数据、流程、业务系统和人员。
PLM 软件可以在整个产品生命周期中高效且经济高效地管理这些信息:从构思、设计和制造到服务和处置。
信息策略:PLM 通过整合系统来构建连贯的数据结构。
企业战略:PLM 让全球组织作为一个团队来设计、生产、支持和淘汰产品,同时汲取最佳实践和经验教训。
PLM 使您的企业能够在产品生命周期的每个阶段做出统一的、信息驱动的决策。
在Siemens Digital Industries Software,我们认为仅仅将流程数字化是不够的,因为它只是以数字方式模仿流程以实现渐进式改进。
Information strategy: PLM builds a coherent data structure by consolidating systems.
Enterprise strategy: PLM lets global organizations work as a single team to design, produce, support, and retire products while capturing best practices and lessons learned along the way.
PLM empowers your business to make unified, information-driven decisions at every stage of the product lifecycle.
At Siemens Digital Industries Software, we believe it’s not enough just to digitize your processes since it only mimics processes digitally for incremental improvement.
You need to digitalize: weave a digital thread through ideation, realization, and utilization, and make that digital thread of knowledge a proactive agent in driving your business. With a fully optimized digital enterprise, you are better equipped to initiate or respond to innovation.
Optimize relationships along the product lifecycle and across organizations
Set up a single system of record to support diverse data needs, so that the right people see the right information at the right time and in the right context
Maximize the lifetime value of your business' product portfolio
Drive top-line revenue through repeatable processes
PLM 是一种战略性管理方法,通过集成、协同和管理产品全生命周期数据,实现产品信息无缝流动和共享,其系统可帮助企业提高研发效率、降低成本、提升竞争力,涵盖产品全生命周期...
敏桥3D会议的界定 敏桥3D会议系敏桥科技所推出的一种创新型会议形式,其集成于敏桥PCP(产品协同平台,Product Collaboration Platform的简称)之内。a敏桥PCP为一站式云原生产品协同平台,...
敏桥PLM:汽车行业的全方位得力助手? 敏桥PLM在汽车行业的应用广泛且深入,为汽车企业带来诸多变革。 在长城汽车中,敏桥科技助力其BOM数据一元化平台建设新一代PLM,二者共创平台...
行业:对于零售商、品牌商、DTC直销商和制造商等面临复杂的设计和全球制造,需要提高开发速度和商品流通速度的企业而言,PLM 系统提供了强大的解决方案!随着远程办公的空前发展...